Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria

Taasisi ya Mafunzo ya Uanasheria kwa Vitendo Tanzania (LST)

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Huduma za Msaada wa Kisheria

The Law School of Tanzania Legal Aid Centre (LST-LAC) is mandated to design and deliver various legal aid services. These services are provided by its Candidate-Attorneys (who are lawyers) and staff to legally assist the indigents who cannot afford advocates fees.

The services offered by the LST-LAC are:

  • Legal Education

This includes tailor made coaching, publication of legal education materials, media programmes, researches and publication of reports, public outreaches and mobile legal education programmes, producing self-help kits for indigents on key legal aid issues and organizing moot courts competitions for the School Candidate Attorneys.

  • Legal Assistance

This includes interviewing clients, counselling, preparation of legal documents, case follow up and legal aid provision.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

That is through mediation and reconciliation.

  • Legal Representation

The center does not represent legal aid clients directly but rather refer clients to other Legal Aid Providers so as they can be represented.

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Kuanzisha Enzi Mpya katika Udhibiti wa Sekta ya Michezo ya Kubahatisha nchini Tanzania

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